The following workshops took place. For information on them, contact the relevant workshop leader.
Saturday 26th October 2013: 10 - 12 noon, University of Roehampton
Training Workshop 1: Accessibility Training In Music
Elena Di Giovanni, University of Macerata
Music is a universal language, but when it is part of semiotically complex performances (operas, musicals, ballet, etc.) it acquires meaning in conjunction with images, movements, sung and/or spoken words. The multiplicity of codes and channels involved in the fruition of these performances makes them only partially accessible for people with hearing and visual impairments. Focusing on opera as a case in point, this workshop offers an introduction to the most common techniques used to make it accessible (surtitling and audio description). It also provides basic hands-on practice in audio description for the visually impaired.
Tuesday 5 November 2013: University College London
Training Workshop 2: Translating Music: Knowing the Basics
Lucile Desblache, University of Roehampton
Music is everywhere and often involves lyrics: in classical, pop, rock, rap music, in advertising, in films, in video games. Translators often come across song translation without previous experience or knowledge of the specific demands that music makes on words. This workshop was intended for those who wish to be introduced to the challenges of music interlingual translation and how to solve them.
Friday 29 November 2013: 2 - 4pm, Kingston University
Training Workshop 3: Translating Musical Forms - Rhythm and Rhyme
Helen Julia Minors, Kingston University
Music translating text, images and culture: a workshop in cross-medial transfer
This workshop explores particular methodological approaches to the notion of musical translation utilising specific case studies as a base for analysis to illustrate a. music-image transfer, b. text-music transfer and c. text-music dance transfer. The collage album 'Sports et divertissements', composed by Erik Satie, designed by Charles Martin, with prose poetry by Erik Satie and published by the fashion publisher Lucien Vogel created in 1914 and adapted in 1922 acts out a mediation of this multimodal transference. Another collage album, composed by Claude Debussy, 'La Boite à Joujoux' will also be explored to chart the adaptation of a play for musical and then dance setting in this children's ballet.
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