The bibliography below will expand as readers send references to be added. Also see ‘Links’ for related sites:
Film music and adaptation in other media
Bosseaux, Charlotte (2015) Dubbing, Film and Performance: Uncanny Encounters. Oxford: Peter Lang.
Citron, Marcia J. (2000) Opera on Screen. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Clark, Randy (1991) ‘Bending the genre: the stage and screen versions of Cabaret’. Literature/Film Quarterly 19(1):51-59.
Chaume, Federico (2012) Audiovisual Translation: Dubbing. London: Routledge (chapter 6 relevant to song translation)
Collier, M. B. (1994) La Carmen essentielle et sa réalisation au Spectacle. New York: Peter Lang.
Dyer, Richard (2011) In the Space of A Song:The Uses of Songs in Film. London: Routledge
Fawkes, Richard (2000) Opera on Film. London: Duckworth
Halliwell, Michael (2005) Opera and the Novel. The case of Henry James. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Jeongwon, Joe and Theresa Rose (eds) (2002) Between Opera and Cinema. Oxon: Routledge.
Kauffmann, Stanley (2001) "The abduction from the theatre: Mozart opera on film", in James M. Morris (ed.) On Mozart. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 227-239.
Kracauer, Siegfried (1955) "Opera on the screen", in Film Culture 1: 19-21.
Lucía Loureiro-Porto (2002) "The Translation of the Songs in Disney's Beauty and the Beast: an example of manipulation", in Miscelanea: a Journal of English and American Studies, 25: 121, 141
Perriam, Christopher and Ann Davis (eds) (2005) Carmen: From Silent Film to MTV. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Powrie, Phil and Robyn Stitwell (eds) (2006) Changing Tunes: The Use of Pre-existing Music in Film. Aldershot and Burlington: Ashgate Publishing.
Rosmarin, Léonard (1999) When Literature Becomes Opera. Amsterdam and Atlanta: Rodopi.
Schmidgall, Gary (1977) Literature as Opera. New York: Oxford University Press.
Tambling, Jeremy (1987) Opera, Ideology and Film. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Tambling, Jeremy (ed.) (1994) A Night in at the Opera: Media Representations of Opera. London: J. Libbey.
Tortoriello Adriana (2006) "Funny and Educational across Cultures: Subtitling Winnie The Pooh into Italian”, in JoSTrans, The Journal of Specialised Translation, n° 6, July 2006, 53-67.
Music and accessibility: audio description, and surtitling (See also the opera section)
Section compiled in collaboration with Louisa Desilla
Eugeni, Carlo (2006) "Il sopratitolaggio: definizione e differenze con il sottotitolaggio", in InTRAlinea Vol. 8. Online. (Last accessed 10 July 2013).
Mateo, Marta (2007) "Reception, text and context in the study of opera surtitles", in Yves Gambier et al. (eds) Doubts and Directions in Translation Studies: Selected contributions from the EST Congress. Lisbon 2004. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 169-182.
Oncins, Estella (2013) "The tyranny of the tool: surtitling live performances", in Perspectives: Studies in Translatology. Online. (Last accessed 10 July 2013).
Orero, Pilar and Anna Matamala (2007) "Accessible opera: overcoming linguistic and sensorial barriers", in Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 15(4): 262-277.
Neves, Joselia (2010) "Music to my eyes… Conveying music in subtitling for the deaf and the hard of hearing", in Łukasz Bogucki and Krzystof Kredens (eds) Perspectives in Audiovisual Translation. Łódz Studies in Language. Vol. 20. Frankfort am Main: Peter Lang, 123-145.
Tomassini, Anthony (2010) "How opera challenges translators", in The New York Times 24/12/2013. ted=all&_r=2& (Last accessed 10 April 2014).
Weaver, Sarah (2010) "Opening doors to opera: the strategies, challenges and general role of the translator", in InTRAlinea Vol. 10. (Last accessed 10 April 2014).
Music, mediation and cultural transfers
Baker, Catherine (2010) Sounds of the Borderland: popular music, war and nationalism in Croatia since 1991. Farnham: Ashgate
Born, Georgina (2000) Western Music and its Others: Differences, Representation and Appropriation in Music. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Dayan (Peter) (2011) Art as Music, Music as Poetry, from Whistler to Stravinsky and Beyond. London: Ashgate.
Eisentraut, Jochen (2012) The Accessibility of Music: participation, reception and contact. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Fulcher, Jane (2011) The Oxford Handbook of the New Cultural History of Music. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hurtado Albir, Amparo (2001) Traducción y traductología: introducción a la traductología. Madrid: Cátedra.
Lipsitz, George (1994) Dangerous Crossroads. Popular Music, Postmodernism and the Poetics of Place. London: Verso
Um, Hae-kyung (2013) "The Poetics of resistance and the politics of border crossing: Korean hip hop and cultural reterritorialisation", in Popular Music 32 (1): 51-64
Vitale, Marina and Serena Guarracino (eds) (2009) “Voicings: Music Across borders” and “Music and the Performance of identity”, two special issues of Anglistica: 13(1) and 13(2).
Ware, Vicky (2011) "The maintenance of Central Thai Cultural Identity Through Hybrid Music Genres", Tirai panggung, 11: 80-95.
Music, translation and literature
Boese-Beier, Jean (2008) “Listening to sing”, Special issue of Comparative Critical Studies Vol. 20, Edinburgh University Press
Brown, Calvin S. (1970) "The Relations between Music and Literature as a Field of Study", in Comparative Literature, vol 22, 2: 97-107.
Burgess, Anthony (1985) Oberon Old and New. Burgess's new opera together with Planché's original text. London: Hutchinson & Co.
da Souza Correa, Delia (ed.) (2006) Phrase and Subject. Studies in Literature and Music. Oxford: Legenda.
Duchen, Jessica (2006) "Music in Literature", in The Independent, 17 July, (last accessed 13 July 2014).
Karsky, Marie Nadia (ed.) (2014) Special issue of Palimpsestes, revue de traduction 27. Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle
Raguet, Christine (2014) Traduire le rythme. (Le rythme dans la prose littéraire). Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle
Raguet, Christine (ed.) (2015) Traduire la poésie: sonorités, oralité et sensations. Special issue of Palimpsestes, revue de traduction 28. Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle
Said, Edward (2007) On Late Style: Music, Literature Against the Grain. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Senior, Nancy (2001) "Whose song, whose land? Translation and appropriation in Nancy Huston’s Plainsong/Cantique des plaines", in Meta 46(4): 675-686.
Weisstein, Ulrich (1961) ‘The libretto as literature’, in Books Abroad 35: 16-22.
Wiskus, Jessica (2013) The Rhythm of Thought: Art, Literature, and Music after Merleau-Ponty. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
The following bibliography on James Joyce and music has been compiled by Krzysztof Bartnicki:
Bartnicki, Krzysztof (2012) Da Capo al Finne. Warsaw: Sowa.Bauerle, Ruth (ed.) (1993) Picking Up Airs. Hearing the Music in Joyce's Text. Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
Bowen, Zack (1995) Bloom's Old Sweet Song. Essays on Joyce and Music. Gainsville: University of Florida Press.
Bowen, Zack (1974) Musical Allusions in the Works of James Joyce. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Brown, Susan (2007) "The Mystery of the Fuga per Canonem Solved", in Genetic Joyce Studies, issue 7, Spring, at (Last accessed 10 July 2013).
Hodgart,Matthew J. C. & Ruth Bauerle (1996) Joyce's Grand Operoar. Opera in Finnegans Wake. Chicago: University of Illinois Press.
Hodgart, Matthew J. C. & Mabel Worthington (1959) Song in the Works of James Joyce. Philadelphia: Temple University Publications.
Knowles, Sebastian D. G. (ed.) (1999) Bronze by Gold. The Music of Joyce. New York: Garland Publishing.
Sandulescu, C. George (2013) Musical Allusions in Finnegans Wake. Bucharest: Contemporary Literature Press, at
Weaver, Jack (1998) Joyce's Music and Noise: Theme and Variation in His Writing. Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
White, Harry (2008) Music and the Irish Literary Imagination. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Witen, Michelle (2010) The Mystery of the Fuga per Canonem Reopened? (last accessed 10 July 2015).
Relevant websites and online resources for literature and music (last accessed on 10 July 2015)
Bibliographie des Musikschrifttum online / Bibliographie of Music Literature online, (last accessed 3 August 2014).
Music, language, senses, meaning and translation
Ackerman, Diane (1990/1995) A Natural History of the Senses. New York: Vintage BooksBarthes, Roland (1977) Image-Music-Text. London: Fontana.
Barthes, Roland (1982) Le Grain de la voix. Entretiens 1962-1980. Paris: Editions du Seuil.
Chan, Amy and Alistair Noble (2009) Sounds in Translation: intersections of music, technology and society. Canberra: Australian National University E Press
Classen, Constance (1993) Worlds of Sense. Exploring the Senses and Across Cultures. London: Routledge
Downes, William (1994) "Pragmatics of music and emotion", in Language Forum 2: 1-27.
Jankélévitch, Vladimir (1961/2003) Music and the Ineffable, translated by Carolyn Abbate. Princeton: Princeton University Press
Leeuwen, Theo van (1999) Speech, Music, Sound. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Meier, Leonard B. (1956/1970) Emotion and Meaning in Music. Chicago: Chicago University Press.
Miell, Dorothy; Raymond MacDonald and David Hargreaves (eds) (2005) Musical Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
O Cuilleanain, Cormac (2011) "Channelling emotions, eliciting responses: translation as performance", in Kathleen Shields and Michael Clarke (2011) Translating Emotion. Studies In Transformation and Renewal Between Languages. Oxford: Peter Lang: 67-85.
Serres, Michel (2011) Musique. Paris: Le Pommier.
Steiner, George (1975/1998) "Topologies of culture" in After Babel, 3rd ed.. Oxford: Oxford University Press: 436-449.
Operas, musicals, songs (classical and light music)
Apter, Ronnie (1982) "Molière's Le Médecin Malgré Lui: from text to libretto and libretto to performance", in Papers on French Seventeenth Century Literature, 9: 163-171.
Apter, Ronnie (1982) "Romanticism and revolution in Mozart's The Abduction from the Seraglio", in The Opera Journal 15(3):15-24.
Apter, Ronnie (1985) "A peculiar problem: some technical problems of translating opera for performance in English", in Meta 30(4): 309-319.
Apter, Ronnie (1989) "The impossible takes a little longer: translating opera into English”, in Translation Review 30/31: 27-37.
Apter, Ronnie (1998) "Verdi and Romani's Un Giorno di Regno: better than reputed", in Ars Lyrica 9: 81-89.
Apter, Ronnie and Mark Herman (1991) "Opera Translation", in Mildred Larson (ed.)Translation: Theory and Practice, Tension and Interdependence. Amsterdam: Benjamins: 100-118
Apter, Ronnie and Mark Herman (1995) "The worst translations: almost any opera in English", in Translation Review 48/49: 26-32.
Apter, Ronnie and Mark Herman (1999) "On translating Il Trovatore". Gotham Translator 14(8): 3-7.
Apter, Ronnie and Mark Herman (2002) "Character delineation in opera translations: examples from Wagner's Ring", in The ATA Chronicle 31.5 (May 2002): 36-40.
Auden, W. H. with Chester Kallman (1963/2012) "Translating Opera Libretti", in The Dyer's Hand. London: Faber and Faber: 345-357.
Baest, Arjan van (2000) A Semiotics of Opera. Delft: Eburon
Blake, Andrew (2010) "'Wort oder Ton?' Reading the libretto in contemporary Opera", in Contemporary Music Review 29(2): 187-199.
Bosseaux, Charlotte (2011) “Song Translation”, in Handbook in Translation Studies (eds). Kirsten Malmkjær and Kevin Windle. Oxford University Press: 183-197.
Bredin, Henrietta (2005) "Lost in Translation”, in The Spectator, 4 June.
Burton, Jonathan (2008) "The Joy of Opera”, in Jorge Díaz Cintas and Gunilla Anderman (eds) In So Many Words. Basingstoke: Palgrave-MacMillan.
Calvocoressi, Michel Dimitri, “The Practice of Song Translation”, in Music and Letters, vol. II n°4, pp. 314-322.
Dent, Edward, Selected Essays (Hugh Taylor, ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.
Desblache, Lucile (2000) “Negro Spirituals en version française: appropriation ou acculturation?”, in Quaderns. Revista de traducció, n°5, 111-121.
Desblache, Lucile (2004) "Low Fidelity: Opera in translation”, in Translating Today October 2004, 28-31
Desblache, Lucile(2007) "Music to my Ears but Words to my Eyes? Text, opera and their audience”, in Linguistica Antwerpiensa New Series 2 n˚ 6, December 2007, 155-170.
Desblache, Lucile (2008) “The Turn of the Text? Opera Libretto and Translation: Appropriation, Adaptation and Transcoding in Benjamin Britten’s The Turn of the Screw and Owen Wingrave”, in Cecilia López and Jesús Tronch (eds) Traducció Creativa in Quaderns de Filologia Estudis Literaris XIII, 105-124.
Desblache, Lucile (2008) "Challenges and Rewards of Libretto Adaptation", in Jorge Díaz Cintas and Gunilla Anderman (eds) Audiovisual Translation: Language Transfer on Screen. Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan: 71-82.
Desblache,Lucile (2016) "W.H. Auden et la traduction de l'opéra : tradition, transgression et collaboration", in Serban, Adriana et Julie Sauvage (eds) (2016) L'Art de la traduction. Paris: Michel Houdiard, 175-189
De Wolfe, Linda (2001) "Surtitling Operas. With Examples of Translations from German into French and Dutch”, in Yves Gambier and H. Gottlieb (eds) (2001) (Multi)Media Translation, Concepts, Practices and Research, Translation Library, 34. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins: 179-188.
Di Giovanni, Elena (2008) “The American Film Musical in Italy: Translation and Non-translation”, in Susam-Sarajeva, Şebnem (ed.) (2008), 295-318.
Drinker, Henry (1952) "On Translating Vocal Texts", in The Musical Quarterly: 225-240.
Eisentraut, Jochen (2012) The Accessibility of Music. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Franzon, Johan (2008) “Choices in Song Translation”, in The Translator, vol 14, 2: 373-399.
Franzon, Johan (2012) “Three dimensions of singability”, in Metrics, Music and Mind. Linguistic, Metrical and Cognitive Implications in Sung Verse. Online. (Last accessed 10 July 2015).
Gorlée, Dinda, L. (1997) "Intercode Translation: Words and Music in Opera", Target 9(2): 235-270.
Gorlée, Dinda, L. (2002) "Grieg's Swan Songs", in Semiotica 142 (1/4): 142-210.
Gorlée, Dinda, L. (ed.) (2005) Song and Significance.Virtues and Vices of Vocal Translation. Approaches to Translation Studies. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Graham, Arthur (1989) "A new look at recital song translation", in Translation Review, 29: 31-37.
Heiberg, Harold (2006) "Schubert in singable English. The Miller's Lovely Daughter", in Journal of Singing, 62(5): 515-528.
Herman, Mark and Ronnie Apter (1991/2008) "Opera translation", in Mildred L. Larson (ed.) Translation: Theory and Practice, Tension and Interdependence. Amsterdam: John Benjamins: 100–119.
Herman, Mark and Ronnie Apter (1992) "Words and music: A theatrical partnership", in The Opera Journal 25(4): 3-24.
Herman, Mark and Ronnie Apter (2000) "Opera translation: turning opera back into drama", in Translation Review 59: 29-35.
Herman, Mark and Ronnie Apter (2010). "Retranslating the Bartered Bride", in Translation Review 79(1): 17-29.
Herman, Mark and Ronnie Apter (2016) Translating for Singing. London: Bloomsbury
Ingham, Mike (2012) "The mind's ear: imaginations, emotions and ideas in the intersemiotic transposition of Housman's poetry to song", in Laurence Raw (ed.) (2012) Translation, Adaptation and Transformation. London: Continuum, 188-209
Jacobs, Arthur (1961) "On translating opera", in The Musical Times 102(1415): 23-25.
Julia-Minors Helen (2013) (ed.) Music, Text and Translation. London: Bloomsbury.
Kirchenberger, Frederick (2006) "The German Song Cycles. Should they be sung in original or in English?", in Journal of Singing, 62(5): 531-536.
Long, Michael (2008) Beautiful Monsters: imagining the classic in musical media. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Low, Peter (2002) "Surtitles for Opera: A Specialised Translating Task”, in Babel 48 (2): 97-110.
Low, Peter (2013) “When Songs Cross Language Borders”, in The Translator vol 19,2: 229-244.
Mateo, Marta (2012) “Music and Translation”, in Yves Gambier and Luc Van Doorslaer (eds). The Handbook of Translation Studies, vol 3. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 115-121.
Mateo, Marta (2014) "Anglo-American Musicals in Spanish Theatres", in The Translator, 14(2): 319-342.
Mossop, Brian (2013). “Singing in unknown languages: a small exercise in applied translation theory”, in Special issue of JoSTrans, The Journal of Specialised Translation n° 20 (July 2013) on “Translating Multimodalities”, pp. 33-48.
Parker, Roger (eds) (1988). Reading Opera. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
Puigdomènech, Laura, Anna Matamala and Pilar Orero “The making of a protocol for opera audio description”, in Pegenaute, L.; Decesaris, J.; Tricás, M. and Bernal, E. (eds). Actas del III Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Ibérica de Estudios de Traducción e Interpretación. La traducción del futuro: mediación lingüístca y cultural en el siglo XXI. Barcelona 22-24 de marzo de 2007. Barcelona: PPU. Vol. nº 1, 381-392, at (Last accessed 10 April 2015).
Robinson, Paul (1988) "A Deconstructive Postscript: reading libretti and misreading opera" in Arthur Groos and Roger Parker (eds) Reading Opera. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 328-346.
Smith, Patrick J., (1970) The Tenth Muse: A Historical Study of the Opera Libretto. New York: A. A. Knopf.
Snell-Hornby (2007) “Theatre and Opera Translation”, in Piotr Kuhiwczak and Karin Littau (eds) A Companion to Translation Studies. Bristol: Multilingual Matters, 106-119.
Spaeth, Sigmund (1915) "Translating To Music", in The Musical Quarterly, 1(2): 291-298.
Strangways, Arthur Henry (1921) "Song Translating", in Music and Letters, II (3): 211-224.
Susam-Sarajeva, Şebnem (ed.) (2008) Translation and Music, Special issue of The Translator, n°2. Manchester: St Jerome.
Tortoriello, Adriana (2013) "It ain't over till the fat lady sings. Subtitling operas and operettas for the DVD market", in Silvia Bruti and Elisa Perego (eds) Audiovisual Translation Today: Forms, Trends, Applications, special issue of Linguistics Applied, vol. 7.
Virkkunen, Riitta (2004) "The Source Text of Opera Surtitles”, in Méta 49(1), 89-97.
Popular, ethnic and world music. Music and globalisation
Section compiled with the collaboration of Louisa Desilla and Isabelle Marc Martínez.
Apter, Ronnie (1999) A Bilingual Edition of the Love Songs of Bernart De Ventadorn in Occitan and English: Sugar and Salt (Studies in Mediaeval Literature). New York and Ontario: The Edwin Mellen Press.
Ariza, Mercedes (2009) "Aspectos interculturales y lingüísticos en la traducción multimedia de un poema musical: del dialecto romañolo al lunfardo bonaerense", in InTRAlinea Special Issue: The Translation of Dialects in Multimedia. Online. (Last accessed 10 July 2016).
Al-Azzam, Bakri and Aladdin Al-Kharabsheh (2011) "Jordanian folkloric songs in translation: Mousa’s song They Have Passed Without a Company as a case-study", in Meta 56(3): 557-578.
Bigenho, Micelle (2012) Intimate Distance. Andean Music in Japan. Durham: Duke University Press
Bontrager, Gregory (2011) "Breaking Free of the Language Barrier in Music", in The Translation Journal 15(3), (Last accessed 10 July 2015).
Bracops, Martine (1993) (ed.) Traduire et interpréter Georges Brassens, Actes du colloque “Traduire et interpréter Brassens”, 22, 1-2 - 23, 1, Brussels: Equivalences.
Bermner, Natalia (2014) "The Politics of Popular Music and Youth Culture in 21st Century Mauritius and Réunion", PhD thesis available at http:/ (Last accessed 01.02.2016)
Ciantar, Philip and Franco Fabri (eds) (2012) "Musical Translations Across the Mediterranean", special issue of Journal of Mediterranean Studies 21(2)
Carroll, Michael (2003) Global Pop. Local Language. Jackson: University Press of Misissipi
Evans, Jonathan (2008) "Cover Songs: Metaphor or object of study?", in Ian Campbell (ed.) The Changing Face of Translation: Proceedings of the Eight Annual Portsmouth Translation Conference held on 8th November 2008. Portsmouth: University of Portsmouth: 154-161.
Fernandez, Celestiono (1989) "Humor and satire in Mexican immigration corridos", in Meta 34(1): 91-101.
Fernández, Fruela (2015) "Scott Walker sings Jacques Brel: Translation, authorship and the circulation of music", in Translation Studies, 8(2): 1-15.
Francfort, Didier (2005) "Pour une approche comparée des musiques militaires", in Vingtième siècle, Revue d'histoire 85(1), 85-101
Gebesmair, Andreas and Alfred Smudits (eds) (2002) Global Repertoire. Popular Music Within and Beyond the Translational Music Industry. London: Ashgate
Griffiths, Dai (2002) “Cover versions and the sound of identity in motion”, in Hesmondhalgh, David and Negus, Keith (eds) Popular Music Studies. London: Arnold, 51-64.
de Grandmont, Suzanne (1978) “Problèmes de traduction dans le domaine de la poésie chantée”, in Meta 23(1): 97:108.
Hebert, David and M. Rykowski (eds) (2016) Music Glocalization: Heritage and Innovation in a Digital Age. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Hewitt, Elaine (2000) “A study of pop song translations”, in Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 8(3): 187-195.
Kaindl, Klaus (2005) "The Plurisemiotics of Pop Song Translation: Words, Music, Voice and Image”, in Dinda Gorlée (ed.) (2005) Song and Significance.Virtues and Vices of Vocal Translation. Approaches to Translation Studies. Amsterdam: Rodopi.. 235-264.
Kaindl, Klaus (2013) "From Realism to Tearjerker and Back: The Songs of Edith Piaf in German", in Julia Minors, Helen (ed.) (2013) Music, Text and Translation. London: Bloomsbury: 151-161.
Kelly, Andrew (1987) "Translating French Song as a Language Learning Activity", in Journal of Singing, 25 (1), Spring
Laliberté, Michelle (2012) Paris, Berlin, New York en chansons traduites. Montreal: Presses Universitaires du Nouveau Monde.
Low, Peter (2008) "Translating Songs that Rhyme”, in Perspectives n° 16, 1-20.
Low, Peter (2010) "Singable translations of songs”, in Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 11(2): 87-103.
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Marc, Isabelle (2013) “Brassens en España: un ejemplo de transferencia cultura”, in TRANS. Revista de Traductología, vol 17, 139-149.
Marc, Isabelle (2013) “Submarinos amarillos and other transcultural objects in Spanish popular music during late francoism”, in Silvia Martínez and Héctor Fouce (eds) Made in Spain. Studies in Spanish Popular Music. London: Routledge, 115-124.
Mattelard, Armand (2009) Diversité culturelle et mondialisation. Paris: La Découverte
Mc Goldrick, Gerry (2010) “D’Annie Laurie à Lady Madonna : un siècle de reprises au Japon”, in Volume! La revue des musiques populaires, vol 7, 1, 136-164.
McMichael, Polly (2014) "Translation, Authorship and Authenticity in Soviet Rock Songwriting", in Translation Studies 14 (2): 201-228.
Meintjes, Louise (1990) "Paul Simon's Graceland, South Africa, and the mediation of musical meaning", in Ethnomusicology, 34(1), 37-73
Mitchell, Tony (ed.) (2001) Global Noise: Rap and Hip Hop outside the USA. Middletown: Wesleyan University Press.
Pageon, Daniel On French Chanson, (Last accessed on 10 April 2015)
Pezza Cintrão, Heloísa (2008) "Translating Under the Sign of Invention: Gilberto Gil's song lyric translation", in Meta 54(4): 813-832.
Plasketes, George (2010) Play It Again: Cover Songs in Popular Music, Farnham: Ashgate.
Saladin, Matthieu (ed.) (2010) Volume! La revue des musiques populaires, vols 7, 1-2, specials issues on “Cover versions in popular music”.
Solomos, Makis (ed.) (2012) Musique et globalisation: une approche critique. Sampzon: Delatour
Stokes, Martin (2007) "On Musical Cosmopolitanism", in Malacaster International, 21, 3-26
Stokes, Martin (2012) "Globalization and the Politics of World Music", in Clayton, M.; T. Herbert and R. Middleton (eds) (2012) The Cultural Study of Music: a critical introduction. 2nd edition. London: Routledge, 106-116
Susam-Sarajeva, Şebnem (2006) "Rembetika songs and their ‘return’ to Anatolia", in The Translator: 12 (2) Special Issue. Translation, Travel, Migration: 253-278.
Susam-Saraeva, Şebnem (2015) Translation and Popular Music. Transcultural Intimacy in Turkish-Greek Relations. Vienna: Peter Lang
Taviano, Stefania (2012) "Rezoulutionist hip hop: translating global voices and local identities", in InTRAlinea Vol. 8. Online. (Last accessed 10 April 2015).
Tinker, Chris (2005) "Jacques Brel is alive and well: Anglophone adaptations of French chanson", in French Cultural Studies 16: 179-190.
Toynbee, Jason and Byron Dueck (eds) (2011) Migrating Music. London: Routledge
Tortoriello Adriana (2006) "Funny and Educational across Cultures: Subtitling Winnie The Pooh into Italian”, in JoSTrans, The Journal of Specialised Translation, n° 6, July 2006, 53-67.
Soundscapes, biomusic and related areas
Böhme, Gernot (2000) “Acoustic Atmospheres”, in Soundscape, Vol. 1, n°1, 14-18.
Changizi, Mark (2011) Harnessed: How Language and Music Mimicked Nature and Transformed Ape to Man. Dallas: Benbella Books
Clark, Xenos (1879) “Animal Music, its Nature and Origin”, in The American Naturalist, The University of Chicago Press, Vol. 13, n°4, 209-223.
Cory, Lara and Tobias Fischer (2015). Animal Music: Sound and Song in the Natural World. London: Strange Attractor
Hendey, David (2014) Noise. A Human History of Sound and Listening. London: Profile Books.
Ingram, David (2010) The Jukebox in the Garden: ecocriticism and American popular music since 1960. Amsterdam: Rodopi
Krause, Bernie (2002) Wild Soundscapes: Discovering the Voice of the Natural World. Berkeley: Wilderness Press.
Krause, Bernie (2012) The Great Animal Orchestra: Finding the Origins of Music in the World's Wild Places. New York: Little Brown.
Marler, Peter et Hans Slabbekoorn (2004) Nature’s Music. The Science of Birdsong, San Diego: Elsevier.
Nemeth, Erwin and Henrik Brumm (2009) “Blackbirds sing higher-pitched songs in cities: adaptation to habitat acoustics or side-effect of urbanization”, in Animal Behaviour vol. 78, n° 3, September 2009, 637-641.
Rothenberg, David (2002) Sudden Music: Improvisation, Sound, Nature. Athens, US: University of Georgia Press
Rothenberg, David and Marta Ulvaeus (eds) (2001/2009) The Book of Music and Nature. Middletown: Weysleyan University Press.
Schafer, R. Murray (1977) The Tuning of the World. New York: Knopf, reprinted as (1994) The Soundscape. Rochester: Destiny Books.
Serruys, Henry (1985) “Music and songs for animals”, in Etudes Mongoles et Sibériennes, Centrasiatiques et Tibétaines n°16, 61-67.
Toop, David (1995/2001) Ocean of Sound. Aether Talk, Ambient Sound and Imaginary Worlds. London: Serpent's Tail.
Relevant websites and online resources (last accessed on 10 April 2015)
Chanson and Immigration: a blog run by Pat Hqrvey at https:/
Opera Libretti on the Web, University of Delaware (some links on this website are broken)
The Opera Translator’s Perspective: Amanda Holden’s website contains articles, talks and other resources
Surtitling at the Royal Opera House; interview with Judi Palmer
Short blog contribution on BBC Radio 3 Synchronised Opera Surtitles
The challenges of subtitling music; a contribution on the RED BEE MEDIA blog